Wednesday, March 25, 2009

If It's Broken, Fix It

I am making this list to organize my feelings and thoughts. I am feeling very sad and overwhelmed tonight, and I won't be able to sleep until I get some of this negativity out of my head and into the universe to dissipate and be handled by a force greater then me. I am hoping that I will feel better simply after making the list, but even if I don't, I can use the list as a checklist for things that are broken (read: things that need fixing) and then I can start with the fixing process.

Things That Are Wrong:

1. I lost my babysitting job, therefore have no income from this point forward.
2. I am really going to miss Rose.
3. I am unsure how we are going to fit Easter basket fillings into the budget in the way that I was going to fill the baskets.
4. I am thinner than I currently look.
5. I am trapped in a fat body.
6. My fingernails are pretty ugly.
7. My feet and toenails are gross like a warthog.
8. I have PMS.
9. I weigh 240 pounds. That's as much as some of the Biggest Loser contestants. I'm so fat I should be on a show for fat people.
10. I can't cry when I need to.
11. I do not own any jeans that fit me.
12. Add underwear to that too.
13. I refuse to buy cute new clothes until it's fun to buy cute new clothes.
14. My house is dirty.
15. I broke my coffee pot.
16. Library fines and BOMC statements don't pay themselves.
17. I want that bathroom towel shelf and curtain hooks from Target.
18. I broke a crown on my tooth.
19. Expeditions are expensive!
20. Desi is constipated.
21. I have a LOT of laundry to put away.
22. It would be nice if the sun would come out again.

It's only fair to make a list of things that don't suck, but I am content to wallow right now, so this is where I am going to stop for now.

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